Amazon sustainability

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At Amazon, we’re committed to and invested in sustainability because it’s a win all around—it’s good for the planet, for business, for our customers, …

Bold thinking and relentless innovation. That’s what we do at Amazon, and how we approach sustainability is no exception. We’re delivering progress every day.

Sustainability at Amazon

09.02.2023 — Amazon kündigt heute den zweiten Amazon Sustainability Accelerator an und lädt frühphasige, auf Nachhaltigkeit ausgerichtete Start-ups zur …

We are committed to, and invested in sustainability because its a win-win all around–it’s good for business, the planet, our customers, and our communities.

Amazon Sustainability Accelerator

Der Amazon Sustainability Accelerator ist ein dreimonatiges, eigenkapitalfreies Programm, das Start-ups unterstützt, die Konsumgüter oder Recyclingtechnologien mit positivem Einfluss auf die Umwelt entwickeln.

Tägliche Fortschritte

Wir setzen uns für Nachhaltigkeit ein und investieren in nachhaltige Initiativen, weil wir alle davon profitieren: die Umwelt, unser Unternehmen, unsere Kund:innen und unsere Communities.

Sustainability | Research Areas – Amazon Science

Taking a broad, science-based approach to reach net zero carbon by 2040.

Amazon Sustainability Accelerator sucht innovative Recycling …

Amazon Newsroom – Amazon Sustainability Accelerator sucht innovative Recycling-Start-ups

Amazon Newsroom

Amazon Sustainability Accelerator sucht Recycling-Startups

Amazon sucht frühphasige Startups mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit: Der zweite Amazon Sustainability Accelerator läuft an.

How Did Amazon Achieve CSR and Some Sustainable …

JRFM | Free Full-Text | How Did Amazon Achieve CSR and Some Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—Climate Change, Circular Economy, Water Resources and Employee Rights during COVID-19?

Stakeholders’ demand for corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only creates pressure on the corporation, but corporations are also themselves aware about leading CSR activities’ reporting and embedding sustainable activities to create value for the short, medium, and long-term. This research investigates the sustainable development and corporate social responsibility of Amazon as one of the most influential multinational enterprises in the world. In this regard, this study sheds light on how Amazon has combined its own interests with corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, and how they have responded to a series of challenges brought by economic globalization to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. The results of this detailed investigation of Amazon from 2018 to 2020 show that Amazon has performed very well in terms of social responsibility and sustainable development. In particular, climate, environment, carbon emissions and other natural measures. However, there are some shortages in terms of human rights, such as insufficient protection and care for employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, and labor union issues. In addition, the study concluded that Amazon has sufficient experience to balance profit and corporate social responsibility. In response to the challenges of globalization, Amazon has also adjusted its sustainable development strategy in a timely manner, which can be used as a reference for other multinational enterprises.

Keywords: amazon sustainability